Saturday, September 20, 2008

Sheep. Not just for counting anymore.

Weird ad of the week:

Looking for my sheep

I bought a Serta Mattress....where are you? I have waited and waited for u. Im excited that u may be coming...but u may never come. I called the hotline for u, but i hung up after laughing too hard. please show me your grill when you get here. dont run away like a little fairy. your ears are cute. your eyes r big. your butt is hairy and we love it. Come play with us soon.

Have I missed a meeting? Is there a new designation I'm not aware of? You know, like M4W (men for women) and MW4W (a couple seeking a woman) and now MW4S? (a couple seeking sheep?!) and does anyone else have a hard time keeping up with these terms? I thought I'd never figure out what GFE meant (girl friend experience) and now I have to think about sheep?

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